

Art Direction, Design, UI, UX, Development


WGS Team




Fulumir is an app that will enable consumers to donate (small) percentages of their purchases in real time to one or more non-profit organizations. This donation may run from 0.5% to 5% of each transaction and the sum may be rounded off to the nearest dollar, generating an average donation amount.

What we've done

1. Brand and Logo design

2. SEO and web performance optimization

3. Mobile resposive design

4. Landing page Design

5. Component-based UI-kit

6. Social media

We've got work to do

Fulumir needed help with the usability and information architecture of their product website, landing pages, and social media.

The concept of this project is to make a non existing word on Google "fulumir" visible. Each team had to come up with a Brand, functionality, and design a website as a presentation.

Goal & Requirements

— Be ranked 1st on Google search engine under the keyword "fulumirpass"

— Web, Tablets and mobile optimisation.

— Generate traffic by using social media

— Create a good Brand experience

By using the structured UI components and our Brand Corporate design, we were able to create a landing page that made a strong impression on users. We increased traffic via A/B testing and used different social media platforms. We also implemented tracking system to fetch all visitors and benchmarked the site's performance. During the process up until deadline we were reported to have generated the most visitors outperforming our competitors and given a score of 100%.

Personal comment

"The Fulumir project is a project built with sweat and tears and has taught me leadership skills and learning experiences i never thought needed"
